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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Life, Gaming and the World: Reasons for Absecence

Hello all once again!

Some of you may have noticed the massive space of time since my last post, it is mostly due to the things that comprise the title of my blog: Life, Gaming, and the World.

Once I left Washington DC where I started my blog I had very little motivation to write. I found that my opinions were better served in an interpersonal forum than in an anonymous one. However, my situation has changed and I feel comfortable coming back. Now that I have finished my final year of University, and I have much more free time to write again. Currently I am studying abroad in Granada Spain which gives me an amazing opportunity to write.

I also became incredibly busy with a great number of releases of games last fall and this spring. This made it quite difficult, as you can imagine, to find time to write. During the fall I delved into the dungeons and realms of Torchlight 2 where my engineer and I slew an inordinate amount of enemies. In the spring I renewed my love of MOBA's and split pushed League of Legends and DotA 2, tanking my way to a mediocre win/loss ratio. Finally this summer I caved and bought a copy of Civilization V; best decision I have ever made.

The world continued to spin in my absence; both in and out of control. Syria, Gay marriage legalized in Minnesota, Affordable Care Act closer to implementation, Sandy Hook, reelection of Barack Obama, GOP shenanigans, Michelle Bachmann not seeking reelection, Bengazi and many others. One debate that will eventually make its way into a blog post consumed my year; the gun control debate in the USA. After the shootings this past year I had many a beautiful conversation with friends, acquaintances and family creating a nuanced picture of the issue that I didn't have before. The nice thing however, was that most people I talked to no matter their persuasion on the issue thought that the NRA were idiots. Score one for me.

Thank you for reading and coming back for more. With a year of experiences and thoughts both behind and ahead of me I look forward to writing again!

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